Qyre is an app built both as a tool for project managers and production companies, as well as a marketplace for professional freelancers in media production. Made by media professionals, for media professionals.

Qyre streamlines media production by putting recruitment, communication, information, and production management into one platform.

Aug 2021 - Jan 2022


Lead Product Designer

In my role as a Lead Product Designer, I supervised the planning, execution, and completion of Qyre-related projects. This involved coordinating with different teams, managing resources, setting deadlines, and ensuring that the final product met the established goals and quality standards.

I was responsible for developing and supporting the application and web versions of the product.

Aug 2021 - Jan 2022


Lead Product Designer

In my role as a Lead Product Designer, I supervised the planning, execution, and completion of Qyre-related projects. This involved coordinating with different teams, managing resources, setting deadlines, and ensuring that the final product met the established goals and quality standards.

I was responsible for developing and supporting the application and web versions of the product.

Listening on

12 April 2022

Qyre founder Peter Settman visited the largest interview podcast in the Nordic region, Framgångspodden with Alexander Pärleros! The interview is in Swedish.

Peter talks about his ventures, the media production industry at large, and his views on the growing field of media tech. He highlights his involvement in Qyre and our mission to make media production easier.

Download Qyre

Download Qyre

Users about Qyre

"As part of management, I'm half in and half out of the project. Qyre keeps me in the know and up to date when I'm not even there. All the information I need is at my fingertips. Whenever. Wherever."

Antonia Hyltén Cavallius

Head of Administration

"It’s a very smart tool that we can use in the industry. And I love that it’s connected to my Apple Watch, computer, mobile and my iPad."

Tamara Sayiner

Freelancing Producer & Project Manager

"It’s so easy to get information out quickly, Also great that not everyone can chat and answer like on other communication tools for example. In this way, the important information gets easy accessible."

Clara Herngren

Project Manager


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